
Animation-ish is a great introductory program for making your own animations.  You are going to create your own FLIPBOOK-ish animation using this program.

Why "ish?" You don't have to be a great artist but you need to have a good idea.  So if you can draw  . . . ish . . . then this program will allow your ideas to shine.

To Start

Within Animation-ish you are going to watch 'How To' videos to show you how everything works.

Go to LESSONS and then watch the following videos:
#1 - Make a Doodle
#2 - Flipbook-ish
#6 - Blink!
#8 - The project vault - Twinkling Stars
#9 - Make your drawing dance
#10 - Bouncing Ball
You can watch #11 and 12 if you would like.

Your Task

You will use FlipBook-ish to make your animation.
Your animation has to:
- have movement
- make sense
- should be the best that you can do
- have something happening
- it is raining and a flower grows
- a person jumps out of an airplane and the parachute opens and they land
- a coloured ball rolls down a mountain and explodes at the bottom into a rainbow of colours

Once you are done you will reflect on your learning by leaving a comment on this blog.
**More information to come.**

1 comment:

  1. Helpful Hint

    If there is a character or object that you want to move in each of your copied slides, try to draw this object in one line. This means try draw with only pressing on the mouse once.

    This will mean that when you select the object after you copy the slide that you only have to click on one object and wont have to fiddle with the shift key and trying to select all the pieces.

